The Church in Canon City

Church in Canon City. Our hearts cry and desire – by the grace of God – is to be the body of Christ in our locality. We pray that God will connect the believers in our area and send the right workers to establish and strengthen us in spiritual life so that we may live unto God and walk in His Eternal Purpose.

Quotes To Think On

“By organic church, I mean a church that is born out of spiritual life instead of being constructed by human institutions and held together by religious programs. Organic church life is a grassroots experience that is marked by face-to-face community, every-member functioning, open-participatory meetings (as opposed to pastor-pew services), non-hierarchical leadership, and the centrality and supremacy of Jesus Christ as the functional Leader and Head of the gathering.

– Frank Viola, “Finding Organic Church”

“Locality is the only scriptural basis for the division of the Church into churches.”

“Whenever a special leader, or a specific doctrine, or some experience or creed or organization, becomes a center for drawing together the believers of different places, then its center is other than Christ and its sphere other than local; and whenever the divinely-appointed sphere of locality is displaced by a sphere of human invention, there the divine approval cannot rest. The believers within such a sphere may truly love the Lord, but they have another center apart from Him, and it is only natural that the second center becomes the controlling one.”

“If in a given place anyone believes on the Lord, as a matter of course he is a constituent of the church in that place.”

“If we impose any conditions of membership upon a believer in the locality, we are immediately in an unscriptural position, because his being a member of the local church is conditioned only by his being a believer in the locality. A local church is a church which comprises all the children of God in a given locality.”

– Watchman Nee, “The Normal Christian Church Life”

Get In Touch

If the above thoughts and quotes resonate with you and you’d be interested in joining us as we lean into God in this matter, use the form below, and we’ll reach out as things progress.


Check back soon for resources.